US93997 & US66249 – E/C13948 Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation (N4, Cr5, M6/M5)
US93997-E116608 Demonstrate knowledge and application of ethical conduct in a debt recovery work context (N4,Cr6,N6)
US93997-E259458 Interpret classification systems in order to organise, retrieve and dispose of(N4, Cr8, M7)
US93997-E116940 Use a Graphical User Interface (GUI)-based spreadsheet application to solve a given problem (N3,Cr8,M8)
US93777-C115772 Use time management techniques to manage time in a financial services environment (N2,Cr4,M9)
US93997-C13912 Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance (N3,Cr5,M10)